Who is the training suitable for?
My online programs introduce you to a life-changing experience that will help you reach the potential in yourself, you only dreamt of before. My results driven programs are not just for martial artists but for anyone who wants to supercharge their body and gain physical strength and a calm mind.
Can I train with Shifu directly?
I no longer teach group classes but offer private sessions both in person or on Zoom. The sessions are taught from North London, UK. Click here for more information.
Which program should I start with?
If you’re starting from zero then Absolute Beginners is the best place to start. If you’ve done martial arts before or you have some fitness level then Shaolin Monk 20-Day Workout. And if you want to learn Qigong, it’s best to start with Longevity Qigong. For a tailored online program click here.
Is the training suitable for women?
Even though these time-tested movements originate from monks at the Shaolin Temple of Zen, they're just as suitable for women as they are for men.
I have an injury, is it safe to train?
Read my article about training with injury. I recommend you do Qigong and use the Instant Health massage brush.
What is Shaolin Training?
Research has shown that meditation and movement are crucial for a positive mental state. The unique combination of Qigong ( internal) and Kung Fu ( external) are like two wings of a bird. We need both for optimal health. The movements are a meditation, cutting through our thinking mind so we effortlessly move to a place of flow and calm. Through regular training, students become happier and more confident. To discover more about how we become stronger from the inside out, click here.
Can I really learn from an online program?
Yes.I wouldn't waste your time or mine if you couldn't. The biggest challenge from online learning is motivation. This is why I offer monthly newsletters and weekly videos on YouTube to inspire you. I recently got an email from my student who informed me that he’s been studying with my books and DVDs for fifteen years. This made me happy. A teacher is only as good as his or her students.
Can kids do your programs?
Kids don’t need to do Qigong but the Shaolin Monk 20-day Workout is perfect for them. I recommend they have adult supervision to check they’re doing it correctly. I also have free family workouts on my YouTube channel which I created during the first lockdown. If you have pads then it’s good for them to do pad work as well.
What’s the difference between your downloads and your online programs?
My downloads are just one class. They’re fantastic to give you a taste of the training and a quick workout. My online programs are designed so you really get to the marrow of the teaching. I have time to take you step by step through the training and once you’ve learnt, you train alongside me so you gain muscle memory. For example in my Ultimate Flexibility program, day by day, we build on what you’ve learnt so by the end of the program, you will definitely be more flexible. I didn’t think I could get more flexible but even I was.
What is the Instant Health Massage Brush?
I’ve had this brush specifically made with the correct length and weight. It’s exclusively available from my website. There are cheaper brushes available on amazon and eBay but they’re flimsy and because they’re not the correct weight, they don’t give the right massage. Depending on use, the brush will last for about three-years. It’s highly adaptable. It acts as a natural battery charger for the body. It increases circulation so lessens the risk of injury. It relieves stress and tension. It can be used after a shower, Qigong, Kung Fu or yoga session. I’ve written lots of articles about it here.
Can I use your programs to teach?
Each of my online program comes with a certificate of completion. This is not a certificate to teach. If you'd like to teach then you need to attend my online teaching training sessions. Once you've completed these sessions, you do an online exam, and after you've passed the exam, you receive a certificate to teach in the Qigong or Kung Fu that you've studied. The contact details of the certified teachers will be available on my website.
Do I need to follow a specific diet?
Different people have different dietary requirements. But everyone can benefit from healthy, home-cooked food with not too much processed food or sugar. Try to cook your own food. Think of food as medicine.
Do you ship to the USA?
We certainly do! 80% of our orders are shipped to the USA. Shipping can take about 10 - 14 days depending on how quick it is at customs. We charge in UK sterling and your credit / debit card will convert this to dollars.
Where are my items?
All shipments are dispatched by Royal Mail with tracking numbers. They need to be signed for on receipt. Please click on the tracking number you received in your dispatch email. For oversea customers, please be mindful that the tracking is not as detailed as courier firm. It's only updated when it arrives in your country and when there has been a delivery or attempted delivery. It may take up to a week for it to be processed through customs.
Download Troubleshooter
The downloads are sent to the email you placed your order with. Please check your junk box and for gmail your social and promotion box. If you’re having problems with a download, check you have a good wifi connection. Click on the link that appears in your email and it will automatically download and open.
The MP4’s do work on iPad but you need a zip opener (you can get this free on the app store). Unless you have a lot of memory on your mobile or tablet, the files may be too large for these devices. The MP4’s are full workouts, many longer than an hour and If we compress the files for these devices, the quality will be compromised. You are welcome to compress them for your device. You can google for free software available for this.