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How Shaolin Monks Gain Martial Power and Inner Tranquillity • No gym • No supplements • No gadgets

The Shaolin Challenge Method

For over a thousand years, Shaolin monks have relied on the Shaolin Challenge, a powerful practice that can be done anywhere. All you need is a space the size of a yoga mat.

This ancient technique combines physical intensity and mental discipline to unlock breakthroughs in both body and mind.

I recently returned from filming a reality TV show in Korea, where I trained students for just seven days. Although the time was short, every single student experienced a breakthrough.


Because the focus was on challenge and intensity, the breakthroughs wouldn't have happened if they had only attended weekly classes. The key was pushing beyond their comfort zones—something Shaolin monks do at least once a year.

Why Challenge Matters

Shaolin monks are renowned for their extraordinary feats of strength, flexibility, endurance, and pain tolerance. These skills come from rigorous physical and mental training, but it's not just about the body. Most students I trained faced mental blocks, not physical ones.

When you push beyond your limits, you realise it’s often your mind holding you back, not your body.  The Buddha once said that grasping his teachings without  understanding is like grasping a snake by the tail—it can mislead us. Similarly, our minds often deceive us, creating mental barriers that hold us back. But our bodies never lie. Through the body, we access the mind, so Shaolin martial arts is not about combat—it's a form of meditation.

Embrace the Challenge

This is why I always incorporate challenges into my training and practice. Challenges push us to break through and grow. Take the time to put more emphasis on your practice, immerse yourself in the challenge, and you’ll discover the depth of your true potential.

Take the 30-Day Shaolin Challenge. Live Masterclass. Starts 18th November. 

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